What God Gives Us For Tough Times
What is it that has the power to buoy us up when times get tough? That's right. Hope. Not hope in the sense of, "I hope it's a nice day." or "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." Spiritual Hope that God alone can give us. A Fruit of the Spirit, a product of abiding in the Vine. We have 2 classes of muscles in our bodies. Some are ‘voluntary’ and some are ‘ in voluntary’. The voluntary muscles are the ones we move by our will. We “tell” our leg to move forward and then the other leg. Pretty soon we are walking. The in voluntary muscles mostly belong to groups like our organs. Our heart is one we can easily relate to. It just pumps. We don’t have to tell it to. Sometimes it speeds up or slows down, and for the most part our conscious mind doesn’t have much to do with that. That’s probably a good thing—forgetting to give our hearts instruction...