What's Wrong with Me??
I don’t know about you, but I want to be God. I’ve always wanted to be God, ever since I was a baby. I want things my way, in my timeframe, with everything just the way I imagined it. And I’m not the first creature to feel that way. Creatures have been saying that since before the foundations of the World. One in particular probably comes to mind at this point— The God of This World, The Serpent, the Prowling Lion, old Lucifer himself. I’m not proud to echo this sentiment, but there it is. If we’re honest, I bet we all do. When I stamped my 2 year old foot and cried in anger, “NO! ME do it!”, that was actually me exercising Fortitude— the dubious gift that God allowed us after the Fall so that we were able to stand up and carry on. Otherwise, I suppose, Adam would still be lying in a heap at God’s feet, crushed by the weight of his sin. But God made Him able to get up and leave the Garden—and the Tree of Life—behind. The problem with Fortitude ...